M Studios Marketing Consulting

Leading business development, marketing and brand strategy to grow your business, reach your audience and your goals.


Meet Maren Jensen: business growth, marketing and brand strategy leader with more than 11 years of experience across a variety of industries.

Many businesses know they need an experienced marketing strategist but don’t know where to begin. Think of M Studios as a shared Chief Marketing Officer experience backed by a cross-functional team to get the work done.

M Studios Marketing Strategy Consulting is designed to support businesses in brand building, marketing, lead generation, process improvement and business development strategy.

We’d love to learn more about how we can further your growth. Let’s work together!

Why M Studios?


Business Development

Build lead generation and tracking that moves your audience through the sales funnel or work to identify and target strategic partners.

Marketing Strategy

Actionable B2B and B2C marketing plans and leadership. This isn’t a “rinse and repeat” approach. It’s a custom strategy built to support your individual business goals.

Process Improvement

Up-skill your team or partnerships with proven processes to streamline and create efficiencies that drive results.

How It Works

Step one

Meet Our Strategist

Start with a free 15 minute phone call or virtual consultation. We’ll ask you about your business, your current approach to marketing and your growth goals.

You can also use this an an opportunity to ask questions about our M Studios team, our portfolio and how we can support your marketing needs.

Step two

“State of the Strategy” Meeting

We’ll meet with your leadership team to walk through a guided discovery session.

This is where we dig into the current state of your business growth and marketing strategy.

Think of this as a wellness exam. We’ll listen to you describe the challenges you’re facing, identify your symptoms and diagnose the problems. From there: we can prescribe a strategy to improve the health of your business growth.


M Studios Solutions

Once we’ve completed the “State of the Strategy” audit meeting, we build you a personalized marketing and business development strategy roadmap. We’ll also outline how the M Studios team can support each of the steps along the journey.



We get to work! The team puts things in motion based on a clear timeline and scope of work. At this point, you can consider us an integrated extension of your staff with Maren as your leader in strategy execution and our cross-functional team as your outsourced marketing department. 

Recent Clients

Quote - Free shapes icons 

Maren completely changed our marketing strategy in nine months. We had no branding, marketing processes or a formalized way to turn prospects into clients. Maren built a strategy that’s increased sales and a process that sets us up for further growth.

— Paul | CFO | Real Estate Development Industry